A short story about us

Our company's founder Nate is obsessed with trees, but has always been turned off by the lack of exciting options and education on how to explore utilize these options. He fell in love with trees from the first year he began landscaping over 20 years ago but always wondered why the same small selection of trees were always planted in Alberta (ie. mountain ash, poplar, american elm, green ash, white spruce etc). As he started to pay attention to the plantings in and around Edmonton on private yards, he noticed some unusual mature trees. Sugar maples, red oaks, norway maples, red maples, horse chestnuts and others, were scattered throughout the city and seemingly thriving with some growing over 40ft tall and decades old. How was this possible when he was always told by local nurseries that these trees wouldn't grow in our climate?

Nate quickly began experimenting with these trees. Fast forward over 20 years and we now see a much greater diversity of trees in Edmonton especially in the newer neighborhoods. It seems that Nate wasn't the only one experimenting and finding success. It is not unexpected to see a sugar maple on one front yard and a northern pin oak on another doing perfectly well. With the proper care, you can grow many of these unique trees and YEG trees by Eclipse was specifically created to help you do that. It begun as Eclipse Landscaping & Online Nursery but we have now created a specific division solely for unique trees.

Where we come from
What we do for you

YEG Trees is here to guide you through the planting and maintenance of these trees. We can help you pick the perfect location and tree types for your project. We will deliver straight to your door step for a fraction of the cost that you might typically pay as we are the Amazon of plant deliveries in the Edmonton area.

Though our prices are very competitive, we never compromise on quality. Our wholesale suppliers are the same ones that sell to the large nurseries. Due to our lack of a retail location, we are able to keep costs low and overhead down. We want to see a city full of red/orange fall color, Japanese Cherry style blossoms in spring and unique evergreens and hedges. Edmonton will light up with beauty when we have finally achieved a critical mass and the old version of the city that Nate grew up with which had only yellow fall color and minimal spring options, will be a thing of the past.

Let us help you fill your project with the most desirable trees on the block.